Value of good health

  Good health is a boon. It is most precious possession Of a man. If a man loses his health the world loses all its charm for him. Ask the man who has lost his health. He will tell you the value of good health. Health is the real wealth of a man.

  ‘Sound mind in a sound body’is an old saying. Healthy mind can be found only in healthy body. Sick man has 6 miles. Their attitude to life is gloomy point on the other hand if a man has good health is outlook to life is also healthy. He can work for long hours without feeling tired. If a student has good health is memory is good and his mind is sharp.

   Good health cannot be had on demand. There are certain things which are essential for good health. nutritious food comes first. We should take only that food which has nutritious value fresh air is also important for good health. People living in open air usually insured good health. Exercise plays a great role in making a man healthy. All exercises are health giving. Balancing one's hour ok sleep and rest also contribute to good health.

     There are certain things which are bad for health. We should get our self against them. Smoking is injurious to health. Eating too much spoils the digestive system. If a man is a regular in his habits he is likely to lose his health. Lack of exercise can also result in ill-health.


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